Sustainable Urban Development

The National Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment combines a large set of ambitions on what the Netherlands will look like in the coming decades. For the national government, FABRICations investigated the spatial effects and opportunities of these ambitions, how they can result in sustainable and healthy cities, but also where choices need to be made in order to deal with all the challenges cities will face in the future.

  • Location

    National Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment

  • Bright

  • Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

  • Design lea
    Rens Wijnakker

    Team members
    Duong Bui
    Luca de Stefano
    Anneliese Fuchshuber

A series of spatial reports have been investigated and evaluated to build a toolbox of possible transformations and interventions on neighborhood, regional and national level. The result is set of visualizations that will be used in workshops and lectures to discuss the effects of the national strategy.

On neighborhood level, three archetypical neighborhoods have been investigated: a 30’s residential neighborhood, a typical post-war ‘cauliflower’ neighborhood and the area around a train station. These all face their challenges in terms of capability to transform, investment power and transformation space.


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