Hart van Holland. Energy Assessment

The Energy assessment for Hart van Holland is part of a three year project developed for ten neighboring municipalities, willing to work collectively on a shared agenda for the Omgevingvisie 2040 (Environmental Vision). This agenda includes classic urban topics and is enriched by the spatial implications deriving from sustainability goals and targets regarding energy, mobility, waste and urbanism.

  • Location
    Leiden, Netherlands


    Regional Assessment and Energy Transition

  • Posad
    Buck Consultants International

  • Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
    Gemeente Leiden

  • Project lead
    Eric Frijters
    Olv Klijn

    Project manager
    Bas Driessen

    Team members
    Duong Bui
    Goda Galdikaite
    Lloyd Martin

“…where sustainable energy production and biodiversity coexist in a non invasive equilibrium, and generate a new economy around eco-tourism.

The first layer to be explored is energy, as the region has explicitly stated its ambition to become energy-neutral by 2050. This means that within the region, the amount of energy used will be equal to the energy produced. In order to investigate opportunities, all possible sources for sustainable energy were mapped and assessed in terms of future potential, possibilities for spatial quality enhancement and synergies with other regional challenges.

This research reveals the seven steps to overcome the challenges related to the transition to a sustainable, renewable energy. The first four steps consist in investigating the amount of energy currently available in the region and what is the potential for the future. The last three steps suggest a link between strategies at a regional level and spatial projects at the street level.

The study shows that the region can be 100% neutral; however it would require an intricate mix of sustainable energy sources to accomplish this. Amongst others, the study recommends windmills on the border of the natural reserve ‘het Groene Hart’ (9,6 PJ), biomass producing farmers (0,6 PJ), a heat network connected to the port of Rotterdam (3 PJ) and solar panels (6,5 PJ) in parts of the dunes.

The project for Hart van Holland was awarded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the Aan de Slag Trophy (‘To Work’ Trophy), which celebrates pioneering environmental visions.


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